
News from Bay 91Pros

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First Day of School 2024
News of 91Prowide Interest
91Pro Union Free School 91Pro DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 75 WEST PERKAL STREET, BAY SHORE, NEW YORK, 11706 PHONE (631) 968-1115 FAX (631) 968-4131     Board of Education Steven J. Maloney, Ed.D. Jennifer Brownyard, President Superintendent of Schools Louis R. Bettinelli, Vice President   Andrew A.... more info

Image Unavailable 91Pro Teachers Support Graduates
91Pro High School
At Senior Awards night, the 91Pro Classroom Teachers' Association (BSCTA) awarded scholarships to 34 of our 91Pro High School seniors, totaling $17,000. This could not have been possible without the support of the hundreds of 91Pro teachers who donated to our scholarship fund throughout this school year.

The BSCTA awarded 34 scholarships to graduating seniors. Model UN Recognized by Town
91Pro High School
The 91Pro High School Model UN team was recognized for its first national win by the Town of Islip.

The Model UN team was recognized by the Town of Islip. High School Writing Recognized
91Pro High School
91Pro High School student, Rowan Goldrich, has been awarded 1st place in the Sea Glass Fiction Contest, sponsored by the Whaling Museum of Cold Spring Harbor, in the grades 9-12 category.

A High School student received a writing award. IB Diploma Student Recognition Night
91Pro High School
The 91Pro High School International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program held its annual IB Diploma Student Recognition Night to honor the high school seniors who have completed the necessary requirements to qualify for the IB diploma. Board of Education President Mrs. Jennifer Brownyard, Vice President Mr. Louis Bettinelli, Trustees Mrs. Susan Gargan and Mr. Guy Leggio, Superintendent Dr.... more info

The High School recognized IB Diploma students. Board of Education Recognizes Top Students
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro Board of Education recognized the Valedictorian and Salutatorian from the Class of 2024. Rachna Singh, the Valedictorian, plans to attend University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Adrianna Krummenacker, the Salutatorian, plans to attend Howard University. Both have challenged themselves to the fullest extent possible while attending 91Pro High School. Teachers, administrators... more info

The Board of Education honored the Valedictorian and Salutatorian. 91Pro Performers Win Awards
91Pro High School
91Pro High School's Drama Club was recognized at the 2024 Teeny Awards with individual and group awards. Congratulations to all of the winners. Student Theater Recognition Awards Lead Actor in a Musical Isaiah Baston (Children of Eden) Lead Actress in a Musical Krista Flynn (Children of Eden) Supporting Actor in a Musical Jeronnie McDougald (The 25th Annual Putnam County... more info

High School performers were recognized at the Teeny Awards. Recognizing Outstanding Seniors
91Pro High School
Members of the 91Pro High School Class of 2024 attended Senior Awards Night to receive recognition for outstanding performance in academics, community service, and extracurricular activities, as they received scholarship awards from alumni, community members, and organizations.

Graduating seniors received scholarship awards at Senior Awards Night. Student Writing Recognized
91Pro High School
Four students from 91Pro High School, Tyler Brown, Amelia Kasten, Armani Smith, and Dawn Worrell, were recognized by the 2024 NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing Contest for written pieces they submitted.

High School students won writing awards. High School Hosts Field Day
91Pro High School
Students at 91Pro High School took part in a field day event that featured many different activities.

High School students participated in a field day. High School Student Wins Science Award
91Pro High School
91Pro High School Senior science research student, Gabriella Allen, received the STANYS Outstanding Senior in Science Award.

A High School student received a science award. BSHS Science Students Explore Town of Islip Shellfish Culture Facility
91Pro High School
91Pro High School’s Science Research, IB Chemistry, IB Biology and IB Physics students worked alongside Ed Rogan, from Saving the Great South Bay, to learn about the Islip Shellfish Culture Facility and how they work to restore oyster populations for aquaculture.

High School students visited the Islip Shellfish Culture Facility. Students Celebrate College Choices
91Pro High School
91Pro High School's Guidance Department held decision days for students to celebrate where they will attend college next year.

High School students celebrated their college choices. Students Present to Medical Professionals
91Pro High School
91Pro High School science research students, Gabriella Allen and Saman Khalil, were invited to present their research to doctors, nurses, scientists, and teachers at the South Shore University Hospital Research Symposium.

High School students presented research to medical professionals. 91Pro Student Wins Drama Award
91Pro High School
91Pro High School student performer Isaiah Baston won the Roger Rees Award for Outstanding Performer for his role in Children of Eden. He will move on to compete nationally in the Jimmy Awards.

A 91Pro student won a performance award. Students Compete at Science Fair
91Pro High School
91Pro High School science research students, Saman Khallil and Gabriella Allen, competed at the South Asian American Women's Association Science Fair with a project titled, "Nitrate Remediation Through the Use of Myco-swale." The students engineered a Myco-swale designed to remediate high nitrogen levels in our Long Island waterways. By using mushroom material with other natural... more info

High School students competed at a science fair. Students Win Science Award
91Pro High School
91Pro High School science research students Gabriella Allen and Saman Khalil received a Meritorious Award at the Long Island Science Congress for their system to fight nitrate pollution.

High School students received a science award. Student Art Honored
91Pro High School
Three photography students from 91Pro High School had their art displayed at the Congressional Art Competition. Isabella Davide, Shylah Garcia, and Isabelle Ingino had photos included in the show hosted by the Islip Arts Council.

High School students had photographs recognized as part of a show. Shadow Theater
91Pro High School
Artists from Chinese Theater Works offered students in the 91Pro High School Chinese program an interactive Shadow Theater Workshop. During the workshop the artists gave students a shadow history tour and performed a show called ”Tiger in the Kitchen." After the show, students had the hands-on experience of making their own puppets. Students are going to use the puppets they made... more info

High School students participated in a Shadow Theater Workshop. Students Win at Art Exhibition
91Pro High School
91Pro High School students Vita Mazza and Katherine Castillo were recognized at the BAFFA Juried Invitational High School Exhibition. Vita won the Women Sharing Art Scholarship and the Bell Street Artists Scholarship. Katherine won second place in the Sculpture division. ...more info

High School students were recognized at an art exhibition. High School Hosts Multicultural Event
91Pro High School
91Pro HS hosted its first Multicultural Evening event. Families got the chance to enjoy home cooked dishes from around the world, learn about culture through trifolds created by students, and enjoy a range of musical performances led by language students.

The High School held a Multicultural Evening. Bird Art
News of 91Prowide Interest
Students at 91Pro School created bird-inspired art to celebrate Spring.

91Pro students created bird art. High School Students Celebrate Women's History
91Pro High School
The Women's Empowerment Club at 91Pro High School celebrated Women's History Month. They visited every 9th grade classroom to talk about current issues facing women in our country and in our world. The theme this year was "Out of this World," with a focus on women in STEAM fields. All 9th grade students were given a star to decorate in order to recognize an important female... more info

High School Students Celebrate Womens History Spelling Bee Champs
News of 91Prowide Interest
91Pro Middle School hosted a school-wide spelling bee that resulted in students being named grade-level or building champions. The building champions will compete in the Suffolk County spelling bee being held at the Middle School later this spring.

Middle School students competed in a spelling bee. Business Students Win Award
91Pro High School
The 91Pro High School Virtual Enterprise (VE) class, TempoTaste, participated in a local trade show hosted by Lynbrook High School. Hundreds of students, from 29 Long Island firms, were in attendance. TempoTaste won gold for "Firm Spirit" thanks to their creative ideas, collaboration efforts, and most notably, Keith Fuchs dressing as the TempoTaste unofficial mascot, Mr. Lemon.

High School students won an award at a business competition. Robotics Competes in Regional
91Pro High School
The Mechanical Marauders, 91Pro High School's Robotics team, competed at the Finger Lakes Regional event at RIT.

The High School Robotics team competed at a regional event. Model UN Takes First Place
91Pro High School
The 91Pro High School Model UN team took first place at the National Model UN Conference. This is the first time the group, which earned an Award of Distinction, has placed first in the competition.

Model UN took first place in a National competition. French Students Observe Art
91Pro High School
Accompanied by Monsieur Walsh and Madame Romero, the senior French IB class at 91Pro High School took a trip to the Modern Museum of Art in New York City. After studying French impressionism and artistic expression in the classroom, the students were able to see first hand works of art by the likes of Monet, Matisse, Van Gogh and Cézanne.

High School students observed French artwork. IB Students Submit Essays
91Pro High School
The seniors in the 91Pro High School International Baccalaureate (IB) program reached a program milestone. They recently completed and officially submitted their extended essays for the diploma program.

91Pro High School IB students submitted their extended essays. Students Perform Jazz Concert
91Pro High School
Student performers at 91Pro High School put on a special jazz concert to share the gift of music with their family, friends, and community.

High School students performed a jazz concert. Observing Historic Art
91Pro High School
Students in the 9th grade Humanities class at 91Pro High School took a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to observe Ancient Greek vases. The trip was made possible by the Bay 91Pros Arts Education Fund (BSSAEF).

Humanities students observed Ancient Greek vases during a field trip. Students Visit Architectural Firm
91Pro High School
Students taking Introduction to Architecture and Construction at 91Pro High School visited the H2M architectural and engineering firm in Melville. Students in the course, which bears college credit through Farmingdale State College, learned the various pathways that exist to enter these career tracks, listened to guest speakers from the different departments within H2M, and participated build... more info

High School students visited an architectural and engineering firm. Candy DNA
91Pro High School
Students in Ms. Besendorfer's Living Environment classes at 91Pro High School made candy DNA models recently to help their learning process.

High School students created candy DNA models. Build a Buddy
News of 91Prowide Interest
91Pro School's Parent Faculty Association (PFA) and staff volunteers facilitated a Valentine's Day "Build A Buddy" event for students.

91Pro hosted a Build a Buddy event. Experimental Learning
91Pro High School
Students in Ms. Eglin's IB Chemistry class at 91Pro High School completed IA experiments. In an example of the student-centered learning the IB program is known for, students designed their own experiments based on personal ideas and interests.

High School students designed chemistry experiments. Music Mentorship
91Pro High School
Students taking IB music classes at 91Pro High School visited 91Pro Middle School to talk about their experience and the value of studying music.

High School students visited Middle School students. Multicultural Art
91Pro High School
Students in the 91Pro High School Multicultural Club focused on art at a recent meeting, creating colorful flowers in honor of Hispanic heritage.

High School student created colorful flowers. Wigging Out on History
91Pro High School
Students in the Humanities program at 91Pro High School studied Baroque art and the French Revolution, learning about French aristocracy and the wigs of Marie Antionette. They studied contemporary artists Asya Kozina and Dmitriy Kozin and their Baroque paper wigs. Students then created their own paper sculptures.

High School students created paper wigs. Breakfast for Champions
News of 91Prowide Interest
91Pro High School held a Breakfast for Champions event last month. Four times a year, students are recognized for outstanding performance and leadership. Thank you to speaker Alexandra Russo (BSHS '16) for sharing her story and advice with the students. Congratulations to all of the honorees! Student / Area / Nominating Teacher Hunter Joel / English / Mrs. D'Antoni Jacob... more info

The High School celebrated Breakfast for Champions. Student Selected as Scholar Athlete
91Pro High School, Athletics
91Pro High School student Skyler Duke was recognized as a News12 Scholar Athlete. Skyler is a member of the Girls Swimming & Diving team and the Crew team.

A 91Pro student was recognized as a Scholar Athlete. Geography Islands
News of 91Prowide Interest
Students in Ms. Rampersaud’s class at Gardiner Manor School designed islands with various themes to explain their understanding about geography with their classmates. Students also created poems to capture the essence of their island design.

Gardiner Manor students created islands. BSHS Literary Magazine Recognized
91Pro High School
91Pro High School's literary magazine, The Writers' Block, has been recognized as a "Superior" magazine by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

The High School literary magazine was recognized with an award. Students Present at Stony Brook
91Pro High School
Students in the Digital Generations class at 91Pro High School presented their final projects at Stony Brook University.

High School students presented projects at Stony Brook University. Inspired Art
News of 91Prowide Interest
Students at 91Pro School worked with art teacher Mrs. Pigate to create artwork inspired by Van Gogh.

91Pro students created artwork. IB Graduates Receive Diplomas
91Pro High School
Graduates from 91Pro High School's Class of 2023 returned to receive their International Baccalaureate (IB) diplomas.

Graduates received their IB diplomas. Harmonaires Spread Cheer
91Pro High School
Prior to the holiday break, the 91Pro High School Harmonaires visited school buildings throughout 91Pro to sing for the younger students.

The Harmonaires visited younger students. High School Students Perform Concerts
91Pro High School
Student musicians at 91Pro High School performed Winter Concerts for family, friends, and community.

High School students performed concerts. Multicultural Holidays
91Pro High School
The 91Pro High School Multicultural Club met before the holiday break to discuss holiday traditions around the world.

High School students learned about holidays around the world. High School Student Places in Art Show
91Pro High School
91Pro High School Senior Vita Mazza, an IB Visual Arts students, placed third in the Suffolk Community College High School Art Show with her piece entitled Human Emotion.

A High School student placed in an art show. High School Student Wins Art Award
91Pro High School
91Pro High School senior Katherine Castillo, an IB Visual Arts student, won one of three 1st place awards at the South Bay Art Association's Nita Elder Student Scholarship Exhibition with a paper-cut art piece entitled Imbalance.

A High School student won first place in an art exhibition. Breakout Math
91Pro High School
91Pro High School students worked with Ms. Giaquinto to enhance their math skills while solving dynamic challenges.

High School students worked on math challenges. Winning Women
91Pro High School
91Pro High School student, Ashley Hernandez, CEO of the Business Department's Virtual Enterprises firm TempoTaste, and Ms. Stanulis attended the Winning Women Leadership Conference. Sponsored by Mastercard and Virtual Enterprises, at the Mastercard Tech Hub in NYC, the event was organized into two parts, a panel discussion where women business leaders shared their experiences and advice on... more info

A High School student attended a conference. Google Visits BSHS
91Pro High School
Two members of the Google team visited 91Pro High School to speak with students taking Computer Science.

High School students met two members of the Google team. Students Selected for Musical Honors
91Pro High School
91Pro High School students have been selected for All State and All County musical ensembles based on demonstrated excellence in musical performance.

Students have been selected for musical honors. Read Along
News of 91Prowide Interest
Teachers at Fifth Avenue School learned about Google for Education's Read Along. Christina Picardi, a member of the 91Pro's Technology Department, spoke at a faculty meeting to share how the program can enhance literacy skills.

Fifth Avenue teachers learned about a new software program. Paying It Forward
91Pro Middle School, 91Pro High School, Athletics, Physical Education & Health
Members of the 91Pro High School Athletes Helping Athletes program spent 2 days at 91Pro Middle School. They shared a message about getting involved and answered questions from the younger students.

Athletes Helping Athletes visited Middle School students. Humanities Wrapped
91Pro High School
Students in the 9th grade Humanities class at 91Pro High School created and presented "Spotify" playlists representing the characters in the Hindu epic The Ramayana.

High School students created playlists based on a Hindu epic. Breakfast for Champions
91Pro High School
91Pro High School held its first Breakfast for Champions of the 2023-2024 school year. Four times a year, students are recognized for outstanding performance and leadership. Thank you to speaker Parrish Smith (BSHS '10) for sharing his story and advice with the students. Congratulations to all of the honorees! Student / Area / Nominating Teacher Jaelynne Bangs / English / Mr.... more info

The High School celebrated Breakfast for Champions. Students Attend Compassion Without Borders
91Pro High School
Students from 91Pro High School's Peer Support program attended Compassion Without Borders at Half Hollow Hills High School East. The event focuses on leadership skills, innovation, and empowering students to make a difference in their community.

High School students attended Compassion Without Borders. High School Introduces Multicultural Club
91Pro High School
91Pro High School students now have the opportunity to join a new Multicultural Club. Recently, the club held a meeting around the theme of food.

High School students can join a Multicultural Club. Sharing Book Reviews
News of 91Prowide Interest
Students in Mrs. Cristando's class at South Country School wrote book reviews for the school library to help readers find their next book adventure.

South Country students wrote book reviews. Celebrating Diwali
91Pro High School
Humanities 9 art students at 91Pro High School learned about Diwali traditions while crafting lanterns and creating vibrant designs to deepen their understanding of the festival.

High School students learned about Diwali. Athletes Sign for College
91Pro High School, Athletics
Nine of 91Pro High School's student-athletes signed letters of intent to compete in athletics at the collegiate level.

Student-athletes signed to compete at the collegiate level. 91Pro Teacher Recognized for Excellence
91Pro High School
91Pro High School English teacher, Lori Indemaio, was recognized by the New York State English Council (NYSEC) as a 2023 Educator of Excellence. The Educator of Excellence Award honors those nominated by colleagues for inspiring excellence in their students and fellow teachers, and who have implemented best practices and challenged students to become skillful readers and writers.

A High School teacher was recognized for excellence. Business Students Learn from Local Entrepreneur
91Pro High School
Paul Saccoccio, one of the owners of The Pizzeria visited the Virtual Enterprise International (VE) class at 91Pro High School to talk business. Paul spoke about his beginnings at his father's pizzeria, and how he loved the comradery and community feeling working at the pizzeria afforded him. Students asked questions about financing, scaling operations, and human resource management.

A local business owner met with High School students. Fall Musical: Putnam County Spelling Bee
91Pro High School
The 91Pro High School Drama Club will put on a production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.

Fall Musical: Putnam County Spelling Bee Inspiring Flowers
91Pro High School
IB Visual Arts students at 91Pro High School used pen and ink wells to create drawings inspired by dried flowers.

High School students created pen and ink drawings. High School Become Anti Bias Ambassadors
91Pro High School
Students from 91Pro High School are participating in the Town of Islip Anti Bias Ambassador program. Recently, the group met at Brentwood High School to discuss bias and awareness, and hear from a Holocaust survivor.

High School students are Anti Bias Ambassadors. IB Students Visit Catskills
91Pro High School
Students in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program at 91Pro High School took a field trip to the Hudson River School Art Trail, an exhibit at the Thomas Cole National Historic Site, and the Olana State Historic Site. The trip furthered the learning students had done during their Theory of Knowledge course, particularly in the areas of knowledge of art and history. The students will be... more info

IB students to a field trip to the Catskill region. 91Pro Celebrates Homecoming and Honors Alumni
91Pro High School
91Pro High School’s 2023 Homecoming celebration was another success! The crowd cheered the football team as they played against Commack. At halftime, in addition to the Homecoming Court being honored, the crowd recognized members of the 1983 and 1984 Rutgers Cup football teams, who were joined by their coach, Tom Howard.

91Pro celebrated Homecoming. Dance Company Performs for High School Students
91Pro High School
The independent Cuban dance ensemble Malpaso Dance Company visited 91Pro High School to help celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Members of the ensemble taught dance workshops for students and then performed at assemblies attended by the entire student body. The residency was made possible through funding from the Bay 91Pros Arts Education Fund (BSSAEF).

High School students celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month with performances by a dance ensemble. High School Celebrates Day of the Girl
91Pro High School
91Pro High School's Women's Empowerment Club held a Day of the Girl celebration centered around the theme of "Building Independence." Students heard from a panel of faculty members and then worked in groups to explore aspects of relationships with the One Love Foundation.

High School students celebrated Day of the Girl. 91Pro Board Trustee Guy Leggio Honored by State School Boards
91Pro Elementary, Fifth Avenue Elementary, Mary G. Clarkson Elementary, Gardiner Manor Elementary, South Country Elementary, 91Pro Middle School, 91Pro High School, Universal Pre-Kindergarten
91Pro Board of Education Trustee Guy Leggio ('81) has been announced as the joint recipient of the New York State School Boards Association Everett R. Dyer Award for Distinguished School Board Service. This award is the highest award that is given by the New York State School Boards Association; it recognizes outstanding contributions to public education and children. Mr. Leggio has served... more info

Board Trustee Guy Leggio is being recognized by the New York State School Boards Association. Alumni Association Announces Hall of Fame Class
91Pro High School
The 91Pro High School Alumni Association has announced the 2024 Hall of Fame Class. Since its inception in 2002, only 67 individuals have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. The 2024 Class will be inducted at a dinner in April 2024.

The 2024 Hall of Fame Class has been announced by the 91Pro High School Alumni Association. 91Pro Students Honored by College Board
91Pro High School
Two students from 91Pro High School have been recognized by the College Board. Deven Morales and Yhanna Priester were named Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program based on their performance on the PSAT.

Two 91Pro High School students were recognized by the College Board. Interpreting Cave Art
91Pro High School
Students in the Humanities 9 class at 91Pro High School completed a lesson that allowed them to explore the concept of creation myths. The students analyzed Paleolithic cave art and then created their own interpretations.

High School students created cave art while learning about creation myths. 91Pro High School Hosts Open House
91Pro High School
91Pro High School families received important information during the building's annual open house night. Teachers shared what students will be learning throughout the year, and parents and guardians had the opportunity to connect with their children's teachers.

91Pro High School held its annual open house. 91Pro Student Performs at Town of Islip Ceremony
91Pro High School
91Pro High School student Isaiah Baston performed at the Town of Islip 9/11 Ceremony.

Senior Walk 2023
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Before they walked the stage at graduation, 91Pro High School's Class of 2023 visited students at the district's elementary school buildings.  

Image Unavailable Returning to 91Pro
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
As part of the graduation festivities, graduates of the Class of 1973 returned for their 50 Year Reunion. The group gathered for tours of the high school and to receive honorary diplomas, and were then recognized during the graduation ceremony.

50 Year Reunion graduates were recognized at graduation. Congrats Class of 2023!
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
On June 23, 2023, 91Pro High School celebrated its commencement ceremonies. The evening featured remarks from High School Principal Stephen Gordon, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Steven Maloney, Board of Education President Guy Leggio, and Board of Education Trustee Susan Gargan. Valedictorian William Haspel, Salutatorian Anthony Lucatuorto and Senior Class President Christopher Sanchez also... more info

Class of 2023 Tassel Maroon/White Yearbook Wall
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students taking business classes at 91Pro High School used a "yearbook" wall to share memories from the year, thank their teachers, and share other messages about the 2022-2023 school year.

High School students shared memories from the year. 91Pro Turf Field Wins Award
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page, Athletics
After several rounds of intense voting, the new turf field at 91Pro High School was recognized as the winner of the 2023 Landtek Turf Madness competition.

91Pro's turn field was recognized with an award. High School Students Earn Certifications
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School students Laura and Maggie earned perfect scores on Microsoft certification exams through Ms. Taylor's Office Specialist class. ...more info

High School students earned certifications. 91Pro Teachers Support Graduates
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
On Thursday, June 1, 2023, the BSCTA awarded 21 scholarships to graduating seniors at 91Pro High School. Thanks to the generosity of 91Pro teachers and support staff, the scholarships totaled $16,800.

The BSCTA awarded 21 scholarships to graduating seniors. Exploring Color Selection
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students taking Photography 1 & 2 at 91Pro High School learned about color selection techniques with Photoshop.

High School students learned about color selection in photo editing. IB Diploma Student Recognition Night
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program held its annual IB Diploma Student Recognition Night to honor the high school seniors who have completed the necessary requirements to qualify for the IB diploma. Board of Education Vice President Mrs. Jennifer Brownyard, Superintendent Dr. Steven Maloney, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Curriculum and Instruction... more info

The High School recognized IB Diploma students. Field Day Fun
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in the WIN/WOW program at 91Pro High School participated in a field day full of fun track and field activities.

High School students participated in a field day. Student Wins Science Honors
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School science research student, Liaba Niami, won the Honors Award at the Long Island Science Congress awards. Liaba tested the effects of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail Mushroom) on plant cancer in Cucumis sativus (Cucumber). Liaba plans to do research alongside South Shore University professionals during the summer months.

A High School student won a science Honors Award. High School Students Participate in Dance Residency
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in the WIN/WOW program at 91Pro High School had the opportunity to participate in a dance residency with visiting artist Oya Bangura. This program was made possible by the Bay 91Pros Arts Education Fund (BSSAEF) and funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program administered through the Huntington Arts Council.

High School students participated in a dance residency. Department Holds Meeting at Historical Society
91Pro Middle School, 91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro Social Studies Department strengthened their community connection by holding recent department meetings at the 91Pro Historical Society.

The Social Studies Department held meetings at the Historical Society. 91Pro Performers Win Awards
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School's Drama Club was recognized at the 2023 Teeny Awards with individual and group awards. Congratulations to all of the winners. Student Theater Recognition Awards Administrative Kheyla Perez (Assistant Director) Kartik Singh (Assistant Music Director) Choreography (Dance Captain) Amber Marquez Sound Elizabeth Brownyard Lightning John Brownyard Stage... more info

High School performers won awards. Students Present at Northwell
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students from 91Pro High School's Science Research program participated in Northwell Health's South Side University Hospital research symposium.

High School students presented at a science symposium. Taking Learning to the Stage
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
International Baccalaureate (IB) students in Mr. Pasca's class at 91Pro High School had the opportunity to see a play they read in class performed on stage. The Bay 91Pros Arts Education Fund (BSSAEF) sponsored a trip for students to see A Doll's House on Broadway.

High School students saw a Broadway show. Great Wave
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The students in Humanities 9 at 91Pro High School embarked on a creative endeavor, reimagining Hokusai's masterpiece, "The Great Wave," through the art of Haiku.

High School students created Haiku projects. Research Students Show Off Work
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Science Research team held their annual symposium. Students eagerly shared their projects with the High School community, fostering an atmosphere of excitement and discovery for those in attendance. Each student presented their research, highlighting their innovative solutions to real-world problems, and the results of their cutting-edge experiments. The symposium... more info

91Pro High School held a science research symposium. Music Students Recognized
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Music Department held its annual awards night to recognize graduating seniors who participated in the music program.

High School musicians were recognized at an awards ceremony. Board of Education Recognizes Top Students
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
On May 24, 2023, the 91Pro Board of Education recognized the Valedictorian and Salutatorian from the Class of 2023. William Haspel, the Valedictorian, plans to attend Pomona College. Anthony Lucatuorto, the Salutatorian, plans to attend the University of Notre Dame. Both have challenged themselves to the fullest extent possible while attending 91Pro High School. Teachers, administrators... more info

The Board of Education honored the Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Honor Society Inducts Members
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School chapter of the National Honor Society held an induction ceremony to welcome new members who've met the requirements for membership in the honor society.

High School students were inducted into the National Honor Society. Student Recognized with Leadership Award
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School senior Christopher Sanchez was a recipient of the Principals Leadership Award from the Suffolk County High School Principals Association.

A High School student received a leadership award. Students Recognized for Writing
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Three 91Pro High School students were recognized as part of the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing. Deven Morales received a First Class designation, Raifah Sheikh received an Excellent designation, and Rachna Singh received a Merit designation.

Three High School students were recognized for writing. Art Students Create Banner
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students taking IB Vision Arts at 91Pro High School have been working on designing and planning a vibrant banner for the Cultural Arts Department.

High School students are creating an artistic banner. Students Attend Future Symposium
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School students were invited to and attended the “We are the Future Symposium" at Hofstra University. The students had the opportunity to hear about innovative technology programs on Long Island and learned about the importance of financial literacy.

High School students attended the College Shirt Day
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students at 91Pro High School celebrated where they will attend school next year by wearing shirts from the colleges they will be attending.

High School students wore shirts from the colleges they will attend. High School Hosts Cabaret Night
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School students showed off their musical talent with performances at Cabaret Night.

The High School hosted Cabaret Night. High School Student Selected for Art Exhibit
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School IB Visual Arts student Katherine Castillo's artwork was selected for inclusion in the 27th Annual Heckscher Museum exhibit, Long Island's Best 2023.

A High School student's artwork was selected for an exhibit. Students Participate in Science Congress
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Science research students from 91Pro High School participated in the Long Island Science Congress. Gabby Allen, Tori Morales, Fabiola Cherizard, Liaba Naimi, Saman Khalil, Jailah Collins, and Jolie Amaya represented 91Pro with a high level of science knowledge and professionalism.

High School students particiapted in the Long Island Science Congress. Teacher Selected for Fellowship
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School English teacher Nina Thomas has been selected for a fellowship by the Thomasville History Center, which is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

A High School teacher was selected for a fellowship. Student Music Groups Compete Successfully
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Three of 91Pro High School's musical groups performed at Busch Gardens and were awarded top prizes. The 91Pro High School Band was awarded silver. The 91Pro High School Orchestra was awarded silver. The 91Pro High School Choir was awarded gold. The Band and Orchestra were awarded the Instrumental Sweepstakes Award for Highest Combined Scores. The Band, Orchestra, and Choir were... more info

91Pro High School musical groups performed at Busch Gardens. Digital Mosaics
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Mrs. Moakley's 9th grade Humanities students at 91Pro High School learned about mosaics and created their own using Google Drawing.

High School students created digital mosaics. IB Students Display Artwork
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Members of the 91Pro High School Class of 2023 who participated in IB Visual Arts classes recently displayed their artwork in a gallery at the school.

High School students displayed their artwork in the school. Capturing the Macro World
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Mrs. Moakley's photography classes at 91Pro High School learned about macro photography. They used their new knowledge to capture images of oil, dish soap, and water.

High School students learned about macro photography. Learning About French Culture
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School French Teachers, Anne-Valérie Boisdin, Katie Romero, and Richard Walsh, organized a French café experience for staff as a part of the Multicultural Week celebration. IB French students Sahir Baloch and Catherine McMurray assisted in serving and greeting guests. Other students in the French program helped by making posters, menus, and decorations.

High School staff and students shared French culture. High School Hosts Annual Writing Conference
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School English Department held its annual student writers' conference, Ethnic Pen. Award-winning American filmmaker, investigative journalist, and writer Keith Beauchamp gave the keynote address, sharing his journey creating the movie "Till." After the main assembly, students worked with local writers in smaller workshops. At a luncheon that afternoon, students... more info

91Pro High School held its annual Ethnic Pen conference. Robotics Competes in Finger Lakes
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Robotics Team competed in the Finger Lakes Regional. The Mechanical Marauders placed 28th out of 55 teams and then were chosen to become part of the 7th seed alliance. Their defense allowed the team to make it to round 4 of 5 in the semifinals.

The Mechanical Marauders competed in a regional event. Students Participate in Law Day
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School students participated in the Social Studies Department's annual Law Day competition. Students tried fictional cases while playing the roles of lawyers and witnesses before attorneys from 91Pro, Brightwaters, and neighboring communities. The attorneys served as judges for the competition and mentors as they gave the students advice on proper trial techniques, the rules... more info

91Pro High School hosted Law Day. IB Student Films Win Big
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School International Baccalaureate (IB) students entered their films in the annual Locust Valley Student Film Festival. Their films brought home wins in two different categories. 3rd place in Drama: Rainer Pasca, Catherine Lyden, Nicky West, Emilia Gaskill, Catherine McMurray Best Sound, Cinematography, Editing, and Best Picture: Rosanna Khan, Sophia DeBonis, Stella McCluskey,... more info

IB student films won at a film festival. Future Leaders Celebrate Women's History
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Members of Leaders of the Future engaged 91Pro High School students in trivia surrounding Women in History. Students who gave correct answers received prizes.

High School students learned about Women in History. Recognizing Impactful Women
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
As part of Women's History Month, all 9th grade students at 91Pro High School were given a petal to decorate in order to recognize an important female figure who has made a difference in their lives. These petals were then arranged into an art installation on the second floor. This design was developed and executed by student Rohan Wilson.

High School students recognized women who have impacted them. Celebrating Women's History
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Members of the 91Pro High School Women's Empowerment Club recently visited every 9th grade classroom to talk about current issues facing women in our country and in our world. They played games to share important statistics and to celebrate famous women in history.

High School students celebrated Women's History Month. Writers' Block Receives National Recognition
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 2022 91Pro High School Writers' Block was awarded first place by the American Scholastic Press Organization. The editors for the issue were Rainer Pasca and Laieba Chaudhry.

The High School literary magazine received national recognition. Celebrating Mario Day
Mary G. Clarkson Elementary, 91Pro High School
Students and staff at Mary G. Clarkson School celebrated Mario Day on March 10th (Mar10) by dressing up as their favorite Mario Bros characters.

Mary G. Clarkson celebrated Mario Day. Breakfast for Champions
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
On March 1, 2023, 91Pro High School held its third Breakfast for Champions of the 2022-2023 school year. Four times a year, students are recognized for outstanding performance and leadership. Thank you to speaker Matthew Bobby ('19) for sharing his story and advice with the students. Congratulations to all of the honorees! Student             ... more info

91Pro to Present Les Miserables
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Drama Club will present performances of the classic musical Les Miserables.

Image Unavailable 91Pro Literary Magazine Recognized by DePaul University
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
DePaul University has recognized the 2022 91Pro High School Writers' Block and has selected the work “I Wish You,” by graduate Marissa Walsh, to be included in their inaugural DePaul’s Blue Book: Best American High School Writing 2022. Graduates Natasha Vera Torres, Farheen Mufti, Saul Sanchez, and Tayla Paciullo were also selected as Finalists; each student's name... more info

The 91Pro High School literary magazine was recognized by DePaul University. IB Students Submit Essays
News of 91Prowide Interest
The seniors in the 91Pro High School International Baccalaureate (IB) program reached a program milestone. They recently completed and officially submitted their extended essays for the diploma program.

91Pro High School IB students submitted their extended essays. Students Win Writers' Block Awards
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Winners of 91Pro High School's 10th Annual Writers' Block Writing Contest participated in a reading of their work at the Second Avenue Firehouse in 91Pro as part of Teatro Yerbabruja's Friday Night Fire artist series.

91Pro students read their work at an artist night. Students Selected for Art Exhibit
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School students Katherine Castillo, Michelle Mendez Andrade, Ariana Garcia, and Astrid Caicedo Martin had their artwork selected for an art exhibit curated by the Long Island Art League.

High School students' artwork was selected for an art exhibit. High School Students Speak to Younger Students
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Members of 91Pro High School's Athletes Helping Athletes program spoke to 7th and 8th grade students about the pitfalls of social media. ...more info

Athletes Helping Athletes members spoke to Middle School students. Fifth Avenue Celebrates Read Across America
News of 91Prowide Interest
Students and staff at Fifth Avenue School celebrated Read Across America week with specially-themed days.

Fifth Avenue celebrated Read Across America. High School Student Wins Art Contest
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School student Katherine Castillo placed first in the Islip Arts Council's "YOUR VOTE. YOUR VOICE." art exhibition.

A High School student won an art competition. Teaching Families
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Spanish language students at 91Pro High School held a mini lesson for their families.

High School students taught a langauge lesson for their families. BSHS Celebrates Black History Month
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School celebrated Black History Month by welcoming guest speakers from different backgrounds to share stories with students about their life and information about their careers. The students were engaged in the presentations and asked questions that helped to further the discussions.

91Pro High School celebrated Black History Month. P.S. I Love You
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
In February, students in Peer Support at 91Pro High School participated in P.S. I Love You Day. The day, which is celebrated nationally, is a day to stand up to bullying and fight depression and suicide. Peer Support students provided information and free hugs during lunch periods. Legislator Steve Flotteron stopped by to help the students celebrate.

91Pro High School celebrated P.S. I Love You. Student Attends Partners in Science
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School librarian, AmyJo Southworth, research teacher Erin Garland, and student teacher Megan MacFarlane brought their science research student, Fabiola Cherizard, to the Eastern Suffolk BOCES School Library System and Brookhaven National Laboratory Partners in Science Program. The annual program featured an amazing presentation on nuclear fission and the nuclear landscape from Dr.... more info

Staff from 91Pro High School brought a student to a science symposium. Students Earn Certifications
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Mrs. Taylor's Microsoft classes at 91Pro High School earned official Microsoft Certification credentials in Word and Excel.

High School students earned Microsoft Certifications. Board of Education Recognizes Artist
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro Board of Education recognized 91Pro High School student Emma Paolella, who designed this year's 91Pro holiday card.

The Board of Education recognized the student who designed the 91Pro holiday card. Digital Generations
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Mr. DeMartino's Digital Generations class at 91Pro High School successfully presented their final projects at Stony Brook University. Harmony and Emily placed and Alana received the MVP award.

High School students presented at a business event. Reaching New Heights
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School students have the opportunity to take Project Adventure as their physical education class and take their learning to new heights.

Project Adventure is offered as a physical education class. Students Attend Virtual Enterprise Conference
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Business students from 91Pro High School attended a Virtual Enterprise trade show hosted at LIU Post to share "Run on Power Energy," a company they have created as part of their coursework.

High School students attended a trade show. Students Attend Theater Conference
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Recently, 26 students from 91Pro High School attended a conference with the New York State Theatre Education Association, a statewide organization of theatre educators. They spent a weekend attending workshops given by colleges, universities, and other theatre professionals, networking with other students from across the state, and experiencing a variety of performances. The trip was made... more info

High School students attended a theater conference. Students Artwork Chosen for Gallery
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School students Cassie Hall, Laurel Stewart, Astrid Caicedo Martin, Vira Mazda, Ariana Garcia and Daina Leonardo had their artwork chosen for exhibition in the SUNY Suffolk Sagtikos Art gallery.

High School students' artwork was selected for a gallery. Wrestlers Place 3rd at Tournament
News of 91Prowide Interest
The 91Pro Boys Wrestling team placed 3rd at the Rocky Gilmore Tournament with 219 points. Liam Knapp and Chris Reddy were champions in their weight classes. Jordan Drago placed 2nd in his weight class.

91Pro Boys Wrestling placed 3rd at a tournament. IB Graduates Receive Diplomas
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
On January 5, 2023, graduates from 91Pro High School's Class of 2022 returned to receive their International Baccalaureate (IB) diplomas.

High School graduates received IB Diplomas. Cultural Exchange
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Members of Peer Support at 91Pro High School welcomed students from a neighboring school district as part of a cultural exchange between the two schools.

High School students participated in a cultural exchange. Harmonaires Carol Around 91Pro
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Harmonaires visited buildings in the 91Pro to share the joy of the holiday season by singing festive songs.

The Harmonaires performed throughout the 91Pro. High School Students Perform Concerts
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Musicians from 91Pro High School performed wonderful Winter Concerts for their families and the community.

91Pro High School held Winter Concerts. Creating Bass Lines
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Mr. Scher's Music Theory II class at 91Pro High School worked with an online platform to compose and transcribe bass lines.

High School students composed and transcribed music. A Visit to the Met
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students taking Humanities 9 and IB Visual Arts at 91Pro High School visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art to study Ancient Greek pottery and European paintings. The trip was made possible through a grant from the Bay 91Pros Arts Education Fund (BSSAEF).

High School students visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art. High School Students Mentor Middle Schoolers
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Members of 91Pro High School's Athletes Helping Athletes spent two days working with 7th and 8th grade students and shared inspiring stories about perseverance.

High School athletes visited the Middle School. Students Perform at WinterFest
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students from 91Pro School and the 91Pro High School Harmonaires recently performed at the 91Pro Beautification WinterFest.

Students performed at WinterFest. Students Perform Shakespeare
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Ms. Dorsa's IB Literature & Performance class at 91Pro High School performed scenes from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" for an audience that included peers from their class, students from other English classes, teachers and administrators. Students developed their own interpretations of selected scenes, working in groups to make creative choices... more info

High School students performed Shakespeare. High School Student Named Semifinalist
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School senior Michael Beirne has been named a semifinalist for the 2023 Coca-Cola Scholars Program. He is one of 1,557 semifinalists across the country who will now compete for 150 scholarships.

A High School student was named a Coca-Cola Scholars Program semifinalist. Footloose
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Congratulations to the cast, crew and pit of Footloose! The 91Pro High School Drama Club put on a wonderful production of the hit musical.

The High School Drama Club performed Footloose. Presidential Platform
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Ms. LiPuma's classes at 91Pro High School created their own platforms for presidential campaigns.

High School students learned about presidential platforms. Exploring Law Enforcement
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in College & Career Prep at 91Pro High School met with Suffolk County Police Department Community Relations Bureau Officer Allison to learn about careers in law enforcement.

High School students learned about careers in law enforcement. Teacher Presents at Suffolk Zone
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School teacher Kathleen Peterson presented at the Suffolk Zone Conference to share her strategies for working with non-English speaking students.

A High School teacher presented at a conference. Rachel's Challenge Visits High School
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students at 91Pro High School had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Rachel's Challenge. Created in honor of Columbine victim Rachel Scott, the organization's message focuses on creating change through kindness.

High School students heard from Rachel's Challenge. Musicians Selected for All County
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Four 91Pro High School musicians have been selected to participate in the All County Festival. Congratulations to Andrew White, Rocco Ferrandino, Maximo Flores and Catherine Keach.

High School musicians were selected for All County. Musicians Selected for All State
91Pro High School, Athletics
Four 91Pro High School musicians have been selected to participate in the NYSSMA All State Conference in Rochester, New York. Congratulations to Jackson Mendolia, Toni Campos, Andrew White and Isaiah Baston.

High School musicians were selected for All State. Honoring Veterans
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Student Council and adviser Ms. Side created a moving tribute to 91Pro's veterans. The group placed flags on the front lawn of the high school to create a Field of Flags.

High School students created a Field of Flags. Thank You, Veterans
News of 91Prowide Interest
The Bay 91Pro 91Pro recognizes and thanks all of the men and women in the 91Pro-Brightwaters community who have served in our Armed Forces. Whether you served in war or in peace, far from home or within the borders of our country, you have the gratitude of all whose freedoms you protected. To learn more about 91Pro graduates who have served in the military, visit the website... more info

Thank You, Veterans Drama Program Presents Footloose
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Drama Club will present a production of Footloose on November 17-19.

The 91Pro High School Drama Club will present a production of Footloose on November 17-19. Breakfast for Champions
News of 91Prowide Interest
On November 2, 2022, 91Pro High School held its first Breakfast for Champions of the 2022-20123 school year. Four times a year, students are recognized for outstanding performance and leadership. Thank you to speaker Julia Hutchinson (BSHS '15) for sharing her story and advice with the students. Congratulations to all of the honorees! Student         ... more info

The High School celebrated Breakfast for Champions. Student Selected for Honor Choir
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School student Sia K. has been chosen to represent the school in the 2023 ACDA National High School SSAA Honor Choir in Cincinnati.

A student has been selected for an Honor Choir. Students Create Musical Trailers
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Mr. Scher's Music Theory classes at 91Pro High School worked on creating musical trailers for a movie or TV show with their own original compositions.

High School students created their own compositions in Music Theory. 91Pro High School Students Recognized for PSAT Scores
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Three students from 91Pro High School have been recognized by the College Board for their scores on the PSAT. Maya Ammar, Toni Campos and William Haspel have been recognized as Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program.

Three 91Pro High School students were recognized for PSAT scores. High School Marks Hispanic Heritage Month
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School marked Hispanic Heritage Month with a poster contest. Students worked collaboratively to create posters about each subject area department.

91Pro High School marked Hispanic Heritage Month. High School Celebrates Halloween
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The students and staff at 91Pro High School celebrated Halloween with fun costumes and a costume contest.

The High School celebrated Halloween. Raising Awareness
91Pro Middle School, 91Pro High School
Students and staff at 91Pro Middle School wore pink to raise awareness for individuals battling breast cancer.

Middle School students and staff wore pink for breast cancer awareness. Visiting the Heckscher Museum
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in the IB Visual Arts classes at 91Pro High School visited the Heckscher Museum to view the Long Island Biennial. They spent the day analyzing and creating art.

High School students visited the Heckscher Museum. High School Students Perform for Young Students
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School Harmonaires recently visited Fifth Avenue School to perform the story "Paletero Man" for students.

The Harmonaires performed at Fifth Avenue. Gardiner Manor Hosts Book Fair
News of 91Prowide Interest
Students at Gardiner Manor School recently visited the Scholastic Book Fair. Thanks to the Parent Faculty Association (PFA), each student left the book fair with at least one book.

Gardiner Manor hosted a book fair. Visitors from Across the Ocean
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
The 91Pro High School International Baccalaureate (IB) program had special visitors from Denmark. Students from Sct. Knuds in Odense, Denmark, visited as part of a cultural exchange. They lived with families in the community, attended classes at the high school and took part in other activities with 91Pro students, including a visit to Fire Island. 91Pro IB students will visit Denmark... more info

The High School IB program welcomed visitors from Denmark. Mindfulness
News of 91Prowide Interest
Kindergarten students at 91Pro School learned about mindfulness during sessions with Mission Be.

91Pro students learned about mindfulness. 91Pro Student Recognized by Newsday
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School student Rainer Pasca has been recognized by Newsday as a Long Island Scholar Artist in the area of Theater for the 2022-2023 school year. Rainer was one of only 20 students on Long Island selected to receive this honor. A profile of him ran in a recent print issue of Newsday and is also available online at... more info

A High School student was recognized by Newsday. BSHS Holds August Graduation
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Congratulations to the 91Pro High School Class of 2022 August graduates! The students who completed the requirements to graduate received their diplomas in a special ceremony.

91Pro High School held a graduation ceremony. Exploring AI
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students in Mr. Masino's computer science classes at 91Pro High School explored the program DALL-E, which is an AI generator tool.

High School students worked with AI. Origin Stories
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Humanities students at 91Pro High School studied the origin stories of ancient civilizations. They worked collaboratively to draw the stories using pictographs.

High School students studied origin stories of ancient civilizations. Introducing Street Games
News of 91Prowide Interest
South Country School Physical Education teachers spent a Saturday laying down colorful coats of paint for the school’s new set of street games. Students have enjoyed playing the games during both recess and gym class.

South Country teachers created street games for students. 91Pro Celebrates Homecoming
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
91Pro High School’s 2022 Homecoming celebration was another huge success! The day began with the traditional parade of floats featuring a themed float from each grade level at the high school. After the parade, the community gathered at the fan festival. The Athletic Sponsors served hotdogs and beverages while kids ran in the fields and enjoyed the bounce house. Later in the day, the... more info

91Pro celebrated 2022 Homecoming. Board of Education Recognizes Donation
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Recently, the 91Pro Board of Education recognized and thank Mr. and Mrs. James Notaro for a $4,000 donation to the 91Pro. The money will be utilized for the Care Closet at 91Pro High School and for student scholarships.

The Board of Education recognized the Notaro Family. Field of Flags Honors September 11th
91Pro High School, 91Pro Home page
Students at 91Pro High School marked the anniversary of September 11, 2001, by creating a field of flags in front of the school as a tribute to those who were lost.