
/ 91Pro Middle School / About Us / Nurse's Message
Nurse's Message

91Pro Middle School Health Office

Kristy Raio, RN
Anita Dunn,  RN


Phone: (631) 968-1218
Fax: (631) 968-0391



Physical Requirements:

All new students and students entering grades K, 2, 4, 7 and 10 are required to have a physical examination.  Although it is preferred that this is done by your family physician, the school physician will examine your child in school if necessary.

Screening Guidelines:

All new entrants and students in 7th grade require hearing and vision screenings.  Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 require scoliosis (spinal curvature) screenings.  A letter will be sent home if there are any findings that would cause concern or need medical follow up.

Vaccination Information:  

Suffolk County offers free vaccinations to under-insured and/or non-insured children.  Contact (631) 854-0222.


Middle School Health Office Forms are attached below.

Everyday Preventive Measures - click for larger image
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Everyday Preventive Measures

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